Automatic bi-directional feeder for baby chicks from 1 to 18 days of age.
Consists of a Hopper with open windows above and fins down, Pan with double cone, long rotating hanger and Clamp with a closing pin and a “T” Shutter.
· Made with 100% high-density virgin plastic and additives that provides a high resistance and durability.
· Bi-directional rotary system -170º and +170º, that allows to activate or suspend its use in a single movement: 0º = “ON Activated and +/-170º o = “OFF” Not Activated.
· The clamp is easy to install around the metal feeder tube (smooth or ripe) and remains permanently fixed.
· Recommended density: 1 TURBOMATE 2® for every 50 to 100 chicks.
· To be installed with or without automatic feeders that have high height, considering the distance of the floor to the lower level of the tube from 23 cm to 26 cm.
· Capacity: 2.6 lb.
· Greater live weight from the first week to the end of the flock.
· Reduce mortality and cross infections.
· Improve Feed Conversion.
· Promotes intestinal integrity avoiding litter intake.
· Easy to wash and disinfect.