The Kestrel Meter 5000 Weather Meter measures/features:
- Barometric pressure
- Pressure trend
- Altitude
- Relative humidity
- Heat stress index
- Dew point
- Wet bulb temperature
- Density altitude
- Wind chill
- Air, water, and snow temperature
- Current wind speed
- Average wind speed
- Maximum wind gust
- Waterproof and floats
- Easy to read, backlit screen with high resolution for even bright sunny conditions.
- Time and date
- Exterior temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors for fast and accurate readings
- Humidity sensor can soon be calibrated in the field via cable or Dongle.
- Minimum, maximum, and average values
- Automatically store measurements, even when the unit is turned off
- Manually store measurements with the press of a button
- Customizable data storage – 10,000 data points
- Graph and recall trends
- Customize screens to display user-selected measurements
- Data charting
- Data upload (with optional interface or Bluetooth)
- Five languages (English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian)
- User-replaceable impeller
- Flip-top impeller cover allows use of other functions while protecting the impeller
- US Patent Nos. 5,783,753 and 5,939,645 and 6,257,074
- All instruments and accessories are completely assembled in the USA